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Joint Research Management Office

HTRC training and contact


If you are involved in research using human samples, it is advised that the following training is completed:

Main modules:

You will need to create a user account. Firefox, Chrome, Internet Explorer or Microsoft Edge are recommended and ensure Javascript and Adobe Flash are up-to-date and those pop-ups are enabled. If you have technical problems with the website, contact the MRC’s Regulatory Support Centre.

  • The HTA website provides various “Test your knowledge” quizzes on the fundamental requirements of the Human Tissue Act 2004 and the Human Tissue (Quality and Safety for Human Application) Regulations 2007 (Q&S Regulations).

Contact the HTRC

For more information and guidance, please contact the HTRC team.

HTRC Manager and Designated Individual: Katie Ersapah
Tel: 020 3465 7306

Human Tissue Resource Centre
St Bartholomew’s Hospital
Pathology Department
2nd Floor
West Smithfield Library Building
London, EC1A 7BE

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