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Joint Research Management Office

Making an allegation of Research Misconduct

At Queen Mary, we value research and the creation of new knowledge.  To this end, we expect the highest standards of research conduct from staff and students.  It is important that we hear from those who feel these standards are not being met.  Therefore, we are committed to a robust, transparent approach to investigating allegations of research misconduct.  We will also follow up on concerns raised directly, informally or anonymously.  However, we encourage the use of our formal process where possible.  This page explains how to make a complaint, what you can expect from us and what we expect from you. 

Making a complaint

There are two ways to lodge a complaint:

  1. You can complete our Form for Reporting Allegations of Research Misconduct [DOC 64KB] and email it to If you have any supporting documentation, it would be helpful to supply it. You should be able to explain why you believe there has been research misconduct.
  2. If you are an employee of Queen Mary, you also have the option of raising your concerns with any senior member of your faculty, who will then either submit a complaint form on your behalf and/or advise on what you should do.

Emails that only copy links to posts on online forums are assessed at our discretion. In general, these are not treated as formal allegations of research misconduct.  We acknowledge these emails but, in the interests of confidentiality, we do not share further information with correspondents.   

Our assessment process

We will undertake due diligence to determine the substance and provenance of all allegations. Please note that it is an internal process and is neither adversarial nor disciplinary, although it might subsequently lead to disciplinary proceedings.

  • Anonymous allegations are considered at the discretion of the University depending on their seriousness and substance. Our approach to dealing with anonymous allegations, and what anonymous complainants can expect from us, is detailed in our Research Misconduct Policy.
  • Allegations are subject to a triage process to determine whether they warrant escalation. If so, they will be referred to the Research Integrity Committee for a decision as to whether to instigate a formal investigation.
  • We will acknowledge your complaint and update you about its progress within ten working days
  • We will let you know the outcome once we have finished our triage process, which can take up to 21 working days.   
  • We will notify you if the Research Integrity Committee decides on a formal investigation.
  • You will be advised of the outcome once the process is complete. 

What we expect of you

  • Allegations should be substantiated with evidence. Please note that statements or links to posts in online forums do not of themselves amount to allegations and, while we may follow these up, they will not be treated as a formal allegation. 
  • You should confirm that you are making the allegation in good faith on the complaints form.
  • You must also agree to respect the confidentiality of the process. Allegations of research misconduct can have serious implications for those involved.  If we have reason to believe confidentiality might be compromised, we will have to carefully consider what, if any, information can be disclosed to you.
  • We also recommend that you read our Research Misconduct Policy (Joint Research Policies, Policy 24)
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