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Joint Research Management Office

Research Impact

Research Impact is defined as the contribution, effect on, or benefit that excellent research makes to knowledge, people, health and care, the NHS, health and care services, society, the economy, culture, public policy or environment or quality of life, beyond academia.


The JRMO is currently developing training in this area, but introductory presentations, adapted to different audiences, can be delivered on request. The University also subscribes to Epigeum, an online platform which offers generic and specialist research integrity modules for researchers.


Queen Mary's commitment to impact is reflected in its Research Strategy 2030, which recognises that ‘it is critical to our future growth and the success of our research that we fully promote our research and its impact to expert and non-expert audiences.’ Additionally, making an impact is of increasing importance for funding applications and the Research Excellence Framework (REF).

The type of impact your research might have is specific to each project and therefore, like research itself, impacts are wide-ranging and varied. The Research Impact Team within QMUL can provide support with the generation and capture of impact. They offer strategic advice on how best to plan, generate, evaluate and evidence impact for grant applications, research projects and the REF.

More detail about the services which Queen Mary's Impact Team offers can be found on their web pages.

To contact the Research Impact Team please email 

Alternatively, there is a full list of individual contacts for the Team.

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